Junbin Zhang, Post-doctoral Fellow(张军斌, 博士后)
ADSPLAB, School of Electronic and Computer Engineering, Shenzhen Graduate School, Peking University
(北京大学, 深圳研究生院, 信息工程学院, ADSPLAB)
Email: junbinzhang@pku.edu.cn
ADSPLAB | Github | Researchgate | Google scholar | ORCID | WeChat(公众号)| CSDN Blog(博客)
In 2012, he received a B.S. degree in Optoelectronic Information from Fujian Normal University Minnan Institute of Science and Technology in China, under the supervision of Prof. Wenqin Yang. In 2016, he received a M.S. degree in Optics from Fujian Normal University in China, under the supervision of Prof. Zhiyun Huang. In 2023, he received a Ph.D. degree in Computer Science and Information Engineering from National Cheng Kung University in China, under the supervision of Prof. Pei-Hsuan Tsai and Prof. Meng-Hsun Tsai.
(他于2012年从福建师范大学闽南科技学院, 光信息科学与技术专业, 获得理学学士学位,导师杨文琴教授。2016年从福建师范大学, 光学专业, 获得理学硕士学位,导师黄志云教授。2023年6月从台湾成功大学,资讯工程学系获得工学博士学位,导师蔡佩璇教授和蔡孟勋教授)。
In September 2016, he joined Prof. Peng Jin’s laboratory at Shenzhen Graduate School, Peking University(PKU)as a research assistant, mainly conducting research on concentrating photovoltaics and photobiology. In March 2019, he joined Dr. Jianping Li’s research group at the Center of Opto-Electronic Engineering and Technology, Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology(SIAT), Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS), as an assistant engineer, mainly conducting research on Ocean Optical Instruments. Currently (starting in November 2023), he is a postdoctoral fellow at the ADSP Laboratory of the School of Electronic and Computer Engineering, Shenzhen Graduate School, Peking University. Follow Prof. Yuexian Zou to conduct research on computer vision tasks.
He has taken part in 1 major instrument special project of the Ministry of Science and Technology, 3 projects of Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Committee, 1 project of Taiwan Industrial Technology Research Institute and 1 project of Taiwan Ministry of Science and Technology. The publishing of 5 journal papers and 4 international conference paper, including 4 SCI papers, 4 EI paper, and 1 Chinese core paper, as well as participation in the production of the book "Introduction to Green Lighting Technology". Apply for 6 invention patents and 5 utility model patents, of which 2 invention patents and 5 utility model patents granted. He won the 2019 National Cheng Kung University Outstanding Mainland Students Scholarship and the 2021, 2022 National Cheng Kung University Himalayan Research and Development Foundation Mainland Students Scholarship.
(先后参与科技部重大仪器专项项目1项、深圳市科创委项目3项、台湾工业技术研究院项目1项和台湾科技部项目1项。科研成果包括发表期刊论文6篇和国际会议论文5篇,其中SCI 4篇,EI 4篇,中文核心1篇,参与《绿色照明技术导论》书籍编写。申请7个发明专利和5个实用新型专利,其中授权2个发明和5个实新专利。他获得了2019年国立成功大学优秀大陆学生奖学金和2021年, 2022年国立成功大学喜马拉雅研究发展基金大陆学生奖学金。)
Research areas include Graph Neural Networks (GNN), Computer Vision, Video Understanding, Multi-modal Feature Fusion, Graph for Science, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Deep Reinforcement Learning, Optics, Electronics, and Content-Centric Networks. His current main research interests are Scene Graphs, Knowledge Graphs, Visual Generative Models, Cross-modal Learning, Image Denoising, and Image Super-resolution..
(研究领域包括图神经网络、计算机视觉、视频理解、多模态特征融合、Graph for Science、机器学习、深度学习、深度强化学习、光学、电子和内容中心网络。当前的主要研究兴趣是场景图、知识图谱、视觉生成模型、跨模态学习、图像去噪、图像超分。)
- 2023.12. One paper is accepted by Applied Intelligence. (一篇论文被Applied Intelligence接受)
- 2023.12. The paper Graph-based Embedding Improvement Boundary Bias for Video Action Segmentation was submitted to Multimedia Tools and Applications. (一篇论文被投稿到Multimedia Tools and Applications)
- 2023.11. I start working as a Post-doctoral fellow of Professor Yuexian Zou at ADSPLAB, School of Information Engineering, Shenzhen Graduate School, Peking University. (我正式成为北京大学深圳研究生院, 信息工程学院, ADSPLAB, 邹月娴教授的博士后)
- 2023.11. I received a Post-doctoral offer from Peking University. (我收到了北京大学的博士后offer)
- 2023.08: I obtain my Ph.D degree from National Cheng Kung University. (我从台湾成功大学获得了工学博士学位。)
- 2023.07. I participated in the IEEE ICCE-TW 2023 International Conference, accepted the best paper award, and gave an oral presentation in English. (我参加了IEEE ICCE-TW 2023国际会议、接受了最佳论文奖,并做了英语报告)
- 2023.07. I participated in the IEEE IS3C 2023 International Conference, accepted the best paper award, and gave an oral presentation in English. (我参加了IEEE IS3C 2023国际会议、接受了最佳论文奖,并做了英语报告)
- 2023.06. I successfully passed the oral presentation of my doctoral thesis. (我顺利通过了博士论文答辩。)
- 2023.06. Congratulations to our DEDGraph paper being recommended as the Best Paper Award of IEEE IS3C 2023 conference. (恭喜我们的DEDGraph论文被推荐为IEEE IS3C 2023会议的最佳论文)
- 2023.05. The paper CLIP2Node was submitted to IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology. (论文CLIP2Node投稿到IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology)
- 2023.05. One conference paper is accepted by IEEE IS3C 2023. (一篇会议论文被IEEE IS3C 2023接受)
- 2023.05. One conference paper is accepted by IEEE ICCE-TW 2023. (一篇会议论文被IEEE ICCE-TW 2023接受)
- 2023.03. One conference paper Graph-based Embedding Improvement Boundary Bias for Video Action Segmentation submitted to IEEE SMC 2023. (一篇会议论文"Graph-based Embedding Improvement Boundary Bias for Video Action Segmentation"投稿到IEEE SMC 2023)
- 2023.03. One conference paper Node Delay Embedding of Graph for Real-time Temporal Action Segmentation submitted to IEEE IS3C 2023. (一篇会议论文"Node Delay Embedding of Graph for Real-time Temporal Action Segmentation"投稿到IEEE IS3C 2023)
- 2023.03. One conference paper Graph-Based Embeddings Improvment Feature Distribution in Videos submitted to IEEE ICCE-TW 2023. (一篇会议论文"Graph-Based Embeddings Improvment Feature Distribution in Videos"投稿到IEEE ICCE-TW 2023)
- 2022.11. Received the 2022 National Cheng Kung University Himalayan Research and Development Found Scholarship for Mainland Students.(获得了2022年国立成功大学喜马拉雅研究发展基金大陆学生奖学金)
- 2022.08. The paper Semantic2Graph was submitted to IEEE Transactions on Multimedia. (论文Semantic2Graph投稿到IEEE Transactions on Multimedia)
- 2022.07. Taiwan Ministry of Science and Technology's project "A standard operating procedure verification system using AI image processing for human behavior analysis" was approved (responsible for writing some chapters). (台湾科技部计划“A standard operating procedure verification system using AI image processing for human behavior analysis”获得审核通过(负责部分内容编写))
- 2022.04. Personal webpage https://wolf-bailang.github.io/JunbinZhang/ online. (个人网页https://wolf-bailang.github.io/JunbinZhang/上线)
- 2022.01. One journal paper published at Sensors. (在Sensors发表一篇期刊论文)
- 2021.12. Received the 2021 National Cheng Kung University Himalayan Research and Development Found Scholarship for Mainland Students.(获得了2021年国立成功大学喜马拉雅研究发展基金大陆学生奖学金)
- 2020.12. One conference paper published at ICS2020. (在ICS2020发表一篇会议论文)
- 2019.09-2023.08. Doctor of Philosophy. Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering. National Cheng Kung University. Supervision of Prof. Pei-Hsuan Tsai and Meng-Hsun Tsai.(工学博士,国立成功大学,资讯工程学系,导师蔡佩璇教授、蔡孟勋教授)
- 2013.09-2016.07. Master of Science. College of Photonic and Electronic Engineering. Fujian Normal University. Supervision of Prof. Zhiyun Huang.(理学硕士,福建师范大学,光电与信息工程学院,导师黄志云教授)
- 2008.09-2012.07. Bachelor of Science. Fujian Normal University Minnan Institute of Science and Technology. Supervision of Prof. Wenqin Yang.(理学学士,福建师范大学闽南科技学院,导师杨文琴教授)
Work Experience(工作经历)
- 2023.11-Present. Post-doctoral Fellow. ADSPLAB, School of Electronic and Computer Engineering, Shenzhen Graduate School, Peking University.(博士后,北京大学, 深圳研究生院,信息工程学院, 邹月娴教授实验室)
- 2019.03-2019.09. Assistant Engineer. Dr. Jianping Li’s laboratory, Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.(助理工程师,中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院,李剑平博士实验室)
- 2016.09-2018.11. Research Assistant. Professor Peng Jin’s laboratory, Shenzhen Graduate School, Peking University.(研究助理,北京大学深圳研究生院,金鹏教授实验室)
- 2013.01-2013.08. Electronics engineer. 厦门市恩维数码科技有限公司.
- 2012.04-2012.11. Electronic technician. 漳州市东南电子技术研究所有限公司.
- 2023.12-2026/05. 横向课题. 人工智能场景认知(视觉领域前沿技术). 2023034. 160万元. (參加 进行中)
- 2023.11-2024.12. 国家自然科学基金(面上项目). 多模态表征学习的动态视觉场景描述方法研究. 6207021338. 80万元. (參加 进行中)
- 2022.08-2024.08. 台灣科技部. A standard operating procedure verification system using AI image processing for human behavior analysis. 160萬TWD. (參加 进行中)
- 2020.09-2021.04. 台灣工業技術研究院. FY109工业智慧制造作业导引及正确性验证. **萬TWD. (參加 已結題)
- 2019.03-2019.08. 国家重点研发计划“海洋环境安全保障”专项. 海洋生物化学常规要素在线监测仪器研制项目. **万元. (参加 已结题)
- 2018.01-2020.12. 深圳市节能环保产业发展专项资金. 深圳市节能减碳数据平台及分析技术工程实验室项目. 500万元. (参加 已结题)
- 2018.01-2019.12. 深圳市科技创新委员会战略性新兴产业和未来产业项目. 重20170588 基于动态分光技术的聚光太阳能光伏系统关键技术研发. JSGG20170824094716462. 200万元. (参加 已结题)
- 2015.01-2017.12. 深圳市战略新兴产业发展专项基金项目. 基20150034 建筑高效日光采集系统研究. JCYJ20150529095551499. 300万元. (参加 已结题)
- 2014.09-2015.07. 国家级. 2014年国家级大学生创新创业训练计划(创业训练类). 一种太阳能电池板表面灰尘清洁系统. 201410394030. 20000元. 指导老师王敏教授. (参加 已结题)
- 2013.10-2014.10. 福建师范大学“李金旆创新创业奖励基金”优秀创新创业学生奖. 一种太阳能电池板表面灰尘清洁装置. 2000元. 指导老师王敏教授. (主持 已结题)
Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School(北京大学深圳研究生院)
National Cheng Kung University(国立成功大学)
Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences(中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院)
Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School(北京大学深圳研究生院)
Fujian Normal University(福建师范大学)
- [2023.12 Under Review] Junbin Zhang, Pei-Hsuan Tsai*, Meng-Hsun Tsai. Graph-based Embedding Improvement Boundary Bias for Video Action Segmentation. Multimedia Tools and Applications. [SCI, IF=3.6].
- [2023.05 Under Review] Junbin Zhang, Pei-Hsuan Tsai*, Meng-Hsun Tsai. CLIP2Node: Learning to Prompt on Graph Models for Temporal Action Segmentation. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology. [SCI, IF=5.859].
- Junbin Zhang, Pei-Hsuan Tsai*, Meng-Hsun Tsai. Semantic2Graph: Graph-based Multi-modal Feature for Action Segmentation in Videos. Applied Intelligence. [SCI, IF=5.3].
- Pei-Hsuan Tsai*, Junbin Zhang, Meng-Hsun Tsai. An Efficient Probe-Based Routing for Content-Centric Networking. Sensors. 2022,22(1):341. [SCI, IF=3.576]
- Junbin Zhang, Zhuojun Yin, Peng Jin*. Error analysis and auto correction of hybrid solar tracking system using photo sensors and orientation algorithm. Energy. 2019, 182:585-593. [SCI, IF=5.537]
- Xiujie Li, Yeyan Wei, Junbin Zhang, Peng Jin*. Design and analysis of an active daylight harvesting system for building. Renewable Energy. 2019, 139:670-678. [SCI, IF=5.439]
- Junbin Zhang, Min Wang*, Jianyong Cai, Xinying Chen. DESIGN OF INTELLIGENT DUST COLLECTOR FOR SOLAR PV PANEL. Taiyangneng Xuebao. August 2017. 38(8):2228-2234. [EI]
- Junbin Zhang, Zhi-yun HUANG*. Theoretical analysis on threshold of solar pumped solid-state lasers. CHINESE OPTICS. 9.2 (2016): 241-248.
- Junbin Zhang, Pei-Hsuan Tsai*, Meng-Hsun Tsai. DEDGraph: Delay Embedding of Dynamic Graph for Temporal Action Segmentation. in IEEE IS3C 2023. Jun. 30-Jul. 3, 2023, Taichung, Taiwan. [EI, IEEE Xplore]. (Best Paper Award)
- Junbin Zhang, Pei-Hsuan Tsai*, Meng-Hsun Tsai. Graph-Based Embeddings Improvment Feature Distribution in Videos. in IEEE ICCE-TW 2023. Jul. 17-19, 2023, Pingtung, Taiwan. [EI, IEEE Xplore]. (Best Paper Award)
- Pei-Hsuan Tsai, Yu-Lin Tseng, Junbin Zhang, Meng-Hsun Tsai. A Query-based Routing Table Update Mechanism for Content-Centric Network. in International Computer Symposium 2020 (ICS2020). Dec. 17-19, 2020, Tainan, Taiwan. [EI, IEEE Xplore]
- Junbin Zhang, Zhuojun Yin, Runze Cao, Xiujie Li, Chuangjun Huang, Peng Jin*. Error analysis and auto correction of hybrid solar tracking system using photo sensors and orientation algorithm. Proceedings of SEEP2018, The 11th International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Protection. 2018, Paisley, UK.
Journal papers(期刊论文)
Conference papers(会议论文)
- 2023. Graph-based Video Action Segmentation. Ph.D. Thesis. National Cheng Kung University.
- 2016. Theoretical study about solar pumped lasers. M.Sc. Thesis. Fujian Normal University.
- 2012. Laser Crystal Spectroscopy. B.Sc. Thesis. Fujian Normal University Minnan Institute of Science and Technology.
- 2017年, 金鹏. 绿色照明技术导论 [M], 北京:科学出版社. (参与编写部分章节和统稿)
- 2024.06.18. 张军斌, 吴涵渠. 一种消除XR虚拟拍摄图像噪点的方法和系统. CN 202410772369.0. (实审)
- 2019.06.24. 金鹏, 张军斌, 黄创军. 一种光学分光装置及分光光伏系统. CN 201910550065.6. (实审)
- 2019.06.24. 金鹏, 张军斌, 吴峰, 周奇峰, 邱智贤, 殷卓君, 李秀杰. 一种聚光分光光伏系统. CN 201910551122.2. (实审)
- 2019.06.24. 金鹏, 吴峰, 张军斌, 周奇峰, 高辉辉, 佟浩. 一种基于分光元件的聚光光伏系统. 201910551135.X. (实审)
- 2017.03.27. 金鹏, 曹润泽, 张军斌. 一种单面凹面镜追踪聚光采光系统. CN 201710204441.7. (实审)
- 2015.03.24. 张军斌, 王敏, 蔡坚勇, 等. 一种太阳能电池板智能除尘装置. CN 2015101262 97.1.(授权)
- 2015.03.24. 张军斌, 王敏, 蔡坚勇, 等. 一种太阳能电池板表面灰尘量监测及清洁方法. CN 201510130331.1.(授权)
- 2019.06.24. 金鹏, 张军斌, 黄创军. 一种光学分光装置及分光光伏系统. CN 201920957768.6. (授权)
- 2019.06.24. 金鹏, 吴峰, 张军斌, 周奇峰, 高辉辉, 佟浩. 一种基于分光元件的聚光光伏系统. CN 201920969717.5. (授权)
- 2019.06.24. 金鹏, 张军斌, 吴峰, 周奇峰, 邱智贤, 殷卓君, 李秀杰. 一种聚光分光光伏系统. CN 201920978087.8. (授权)
- 2015.03.24. 张军斌, 王敏, 蔡坚勇, 等. 一种太阳能电池板智能除尘装置. CN 201520166929.1.(授权)
- 2015.03.24. 张军斌, 王敏, 蔡坚勇, 等. 一种太阳能电池板表面灰尘清洁装置. CN 201520167041.X.(授权)
Invention patents(发明专利)
Utility model patents(实用新型专利)
Community Service(社会服务)
- 2024, 2023. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology. Reviewer.(审稿人)
- 2023. ICASSP 2024. Reviewer.(审稿人)
- 2023. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. Reviewer.(审稿人)
- 2023. IEEE SMC 2023. Reviewer.(审稿人)
- 2022. Scientific Reports. Reviewer.(审稿人)
- 2021. ACM Transactions on Computing for Healthcare. Reviewer.(审稿人)
Honors and Awards(荣誉和奖励)
- 2022.09-2023.07. 2022 National Cheng Kung University Himalayan Research and Development Found Scholarship for Mainland Students.(2022年国立成功大学喜马拉雅研究发展基金大陆学生奖学金)
- 2021.09-2022.07. 2021 National Cheng Kung University Himalayan Research and Development Found Scholarship for Mainland Students.(2021年国立成功大学喜马拉雅研究发展基金大陆学生奖学金)
- 2021.03-2021.05. 2021 2nd PhD Workshop of Academic English for Discussion and Oral Presentations Training. Successfully completed.(2021年第二届学术英语博士研讨会讨论和口头报告培训)
- 2019.09-2020.07. 2019 National Cheng Kung University Scholarship for Outstanding Mainland Students.(2019年国立成功大学优秀大陆学生奖学金)
Teaching Experience(教学经验)
- Spring 2022. Teaching Assistent. Undergraduate courses. Introduction to Real-Time Systems. National Cheng Kung University.(2022年春季,助教,本科生课程,即时系统导论,国立成功大学)
- Fall 2021. Teaching Assistent. Master’s course. Real-Time Systems. National Cheng Kung University.(2021年秋季,助教,硕士生课程,即时系统,国立成功大学)
- Spring 2021. Teaching Assistent. Undergraduate courses. Introduction to Real-Time Systems. National Cheng Kung University.(2021年春季,助教,本科生课程,即时系统导论,国立成功大学)